Thistle While You Work


  1. oh ho I recognize these nasty weeds- I was in my veggie garden yesterday and was mutterin "Off with their heads" as I dispatched a whoel bunch of them! Good close up of those thugs!

  2. Kathe's going to hate this comment! I LOVE weeds of all varieties, but that's because I was born with a "brown thumb." All I have to do is LOOK at an African violet and it shrivels, so I don't bother to garden. Thus, my back yards are always a crazy quilt of Queen Anne's Lace, Timothy grass (best pulled and held in that space between my front teeth)... lovely pic! Amy
    Here's my take on the prompt:

  3. Pfffffttttt. I don't wanna. I'd rather complain. But you knew that :)


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